【Meeting in Asia】 Umar Hamdan President of Denki Engineering 188 times Attitudes of work studied in Japan, even in his home country (Indonesia)

Born in Chilbon, West Java, 1976. He graduated from the technical college of technology (SMK), worked for a local automobile manufacturer, and received training from a Japanese manufacturer as a technical interns from 97 to 1999. After returning to Japan, he worked at an electrical equipment company in Japan and became independent. In 2007 I entered the electric company "Denki Engineering".

President Umar of Denki Engineering (right) and his brother Saudi Yaya (NNA filming) with an engineer
While laughing, "I'm not very good at speaking in Japanese, I started talking in fluent Japanese. In the office in the outskirts of the capital city Jakarta about an hour and a half, there is a "5S slogan" of "organized, organized, cleaned, cleaned, disciplined" written in the alphabet. Asked that it is unusual to see in a company operated by an Indonesian, "I learned about courtesy in Japanese training, especially keeping time is important, I still have a daytime prayer and lunch time decided properly. I want to convey such a good point in Indonesia. "
■ "Japan" I knew in the neighborhood
Umar sustained his family as the eldest son of seven siblings since childhood. I got up early in the morning to help my father pick up food stalls for me and ayam (cooked noodles) to cook. After graduating from the technical college, I worked as an engineer at a car maker. However, I began to think that I would like to do a bigger job. "No matter how hard I work as an engineer, the group leader is precise, as the eldest son of a big family, I was thinking that I wanted to make money somehow," and I look back on those days.
At one time, a young man of the same age found a facility that gymnastics or arranging outside everyday. When asked to the young person who was inside, I was told that it is "Japan International Institute for Human Resource Development (IIM · Japan)" which accepts technical interns from Southeast Asian countries. Umar was conscious of "Japan" for the first time at that time. "If I could go to Japan and learn about new technologies, rules and ideas, I might be able to get a new job after returning home. I thought that there were more to learn than going to university." Mr. Umar made an action immediately and was hired as a trainee or as a trainee. It was in 1997.
■ Currency crisis, and entrepreneurship
For the first three months I learned basic education, courtesy, Japanese etc at the facilities in Indonesia. Everything to see, hear, and do is the first time, "I tried desperately to learn." The attitude was evaluated, and the training destination in Japan was decided as a major electric equipment company.
The training period in Japan is two years. In the first year I studied Japanese and technology only and in the second year I got to work on the job site actually. Still if I had time, I continued training the technology. "Since I was originally an automobile engineer, it was my first time to learn about electricity and electricity, I was studying if I had time."
It was in 1999 that I came back to Indonesia. It was just after the aftermath of the Asian currency crisis hit the home country. Mr. Umar worked at a company that was a training destination that had been entering Indonesia then, but in that year it was decided to close office. According to the company's measure, it was adopted as another "Indonesian engineer who can speak Japanese" to another electric company of same industry.
I have worked for more than 6 years, I got a job and I have been able to build personal connections. I thought that it would be the best time to start a company soon, I gradually prepared for entrepreneurship and became independent in 2007.
■ Trust won
Since it was a small office at the outset of the independence, "Looking back at the company, it seemed that it was rather difficult to make an order." However, attitudes to overcome any jobs gradually led to trust. At one point, a major general contractor in Japan asked for a small electric construction work on the large infrastructure project in Indonesia. I also found out that I was asking another Indonesian company to do similar work. "I thought that" their skills are being tried. "I thought that it would be best to finish this work within the deadline without fail, I also visited the site every day, I confirmed the progress of work. " Efforts were fruit, the work that was requested finished earlier than the opponent, and it was a neat finish. From this leading general contractor, we received more orders for more work.
Mr. Umar said, "Our work is not only a matter of exchanging contracts but also of trusting relationships between people and people, so keep time and deadlines and do not get rid of the small work as well. I learned it in Japan when it was more important than anything else. " Similarly, younger brothers who received training in Japan also work as engineers and aim for further expansion of family business. (Indonesian edition · Hokko Koji)

Related countries / regions: Indonesia / Japan

Related Industry: General Economy · Statistics

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Sumber  :https://www.nna.jp/news/show/1721461


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